Iemesli, kāpēc tev vēl ir kredīti Печать
Iemesli, kāpēc tev vēl ir kredīti

7 uzdevumiem, katram uzdevumam iemesli, kāpēc tev vēl ir kredīti noteikts punktu skaits. You can apply in forum by leaving character name and writing to which class it belongs, you can apply with multiple classes. If for some reason there wont be enought participants for one of the classes for battle, it wont happen.

Lai visiem lieliska un izdevusies diena! Requires as minimum 15 players to event start! You will need bring to Gihen or iceaLL or Mistery a right items, those items which you need to bring we will reveal at event start. Requires a minimum of 10 players to events start! After that, when you are find and give all items, you will need teleport and wait in Lorencia bar!

First five winner»s will get these prize»s. To fix bug with DL Shield. Visi iemesli par kuriem var tikt uzlikts bans un to ilgumi. Event will be split in several rounds. All players who win the first round enters the second. The prize to the one winner of each class is 20 000 credits.

The minimum number of players for each class is 8. GM»s have the right to require second battle, for following players. From one account players can register more than one chracter. You can register up to 28. 2 dienas, lai to saprastu, jo jau 1.

